Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Great Man

This post written by a friend to a man she knows

This post for A great man i know..
What i would like to say that
you have been supportive,and a giving person,
you have been the shoulder when ever i needed one,
you have been the secure place where ever i needed to land,
you have been A GREAT MAN.

What makes a Great Man...
Is it his money
or that he gives
where needed
instead of spends..

What makes a Great Man...
Is it the time
out of the day
that he takes time to lend..

What makes a Great Man...
Is it the laughter he offers
from his hands..

What makes a Great Man...
Is it his hidden shadows
that protect
and mend..

What makes a Great Man...
Is it the words
he has spoken
or the ones
that bend...

What makes a Great Man...
Is it a gentle touch
with the gallant feel
from a faraway land...

What makes a Great Man...
Is it his eyes
that he views
your failures as cans...

What makes a Great Man...
Is it the shelter
that is always there
and never planned..

What makes a Great Man...
Is it his promise when
your pain and hurt can't stand..

What makes a Great Man..
Is it him running... no... just his shoes
with the name
of the brand ..

What makes a Great Man...
Is it the dance
he has with you
in the circle of a golden band...

What makes a Great Man...
Is it his age
or just the love of a heart
that wraps and comforts and tends...

What makes a Great Man...
Is it just a man
who truly desires
to be
A Great Man...

Logain (FullMoons)
10th March 2004

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